Wednesday, April 20, 2011


It's so hard to tell who's happy and who's just pretending.
Everyone has gotten so good at constantly putting his or her best face forward, I can't even tell anymore.
I find myself feeling uneasy around some people, and yet, still not take the initiative to ask if they're okay because
I'm never too sure.
I think it's time to make a change in that. 

I think it's time for me to ask if you're okay, even if you actually are.
I just want to be sure. I just want to make sure.
I want people to open about how they feel inside,
I want them to feel like the world is a good place again.
I've learned so much about the world today.
The people with the biggest smiles sometimes have had the worst days.
The people who laugh the loudest at something are the ones who hurt the most.
The people who seem have it all, sometimes have nothing at all.
The people who pretend nothing's wrong are the ones who have it the worst.
The people who say they care the least are usually the ones who care the most.
Be brave. You have one life to live, and make it worth living.
I just want to help.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I don't know if this is just me.
Maybe it's just the way I see things. 
Maybe it's my cynical, paranoid, crazy mind.
But it's hard to find people that make you perfectly comfortable these days.
It seems that the world we live in is such a cut throat place. 
I'd love to think that everything is sunshines and rainbows, and that humans are innately good, and will always act 
for the good, but that's not true.
I'm glad that I have people in my life that I will always feel comfortable talking to, whom I trust, whom I care deeply for.
But it also saddens me when I find out the people can sometimes act one way but say another. 
But like I say, forgive and forget. 
It's not too hard to forgive, to understand where they're coming from, to see the world through her eyes. 
I try to understand why. 
Was it insult? A slighted pride? Just pure hatred?
Whatever it was I forgive her, there's no use being mad forever. 
But it's actually so amusing, it's funny, it's damn HILARIOUS
Yes please, by all means say mean things about me. 
Will it make me like you? 
Will it make you feel better about yourself in the end? 
Did I do something to offend you by existing? By talking to you? By trying to be your friend?
It's so much harder to be able to forget.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Mild Musings. (:

Well thanks to Formspring and friendly encouragement I have now hopped on the blog bandwagon.

In case anyone is wondering, (I hope you are wondering) the blog title draw inspiration for the Latin phrase "mirabile dictu" which roughly translates to, according to Wikipedia, somethign that is "wonderful to say."
Which is what I hope to gain from this blog anyways, to tell everyone wonderful things that  have happened to me. Of course, there's not way EVERYTHING in here is going to be sunshine and rainbows but I might as well as start off on a good note.

So welcome to my humble blog.